Beet pulp is a byproduct of the production process of beet sugar, representing desugared cossettes (80-82% by weight of the sugar beets processed with a solids content of about 6,5-7,0%).
Chemical composition contains fresh beet pulp (dry matter), about 45-47% cellulose, 50% pectins, 2% protein, 0,6-0,7% sugar and about 1% minerals, are present vitamins and organic acids.
The main direction of beet pulp is the use of it in the diet of cattle of meat and dairy.
Beet pulp is a good fodder for cattle and nutritionally comparable to silage corn. It is advisable to feed the animals in conjunction with enzyme preparations or enzyme probiotics because of the relatively high fiber content.
Granulated sugar beet pulp – natural feed for farm animals produced from sugar beet pulp, the method of drying at a high temperature, ground into flour, followed by granulation into granules (pellets).
After granulation, the pulp can be stored in packaged form for a long time, allowing you to make long-term supplies of feed for livestock. Granulated pulp feed unit is equal to 0.85, and the nutritional value of 10 times higher than the corresponding decrease in fresh weight. Assimilation of animal protein and extractives from the dry pulp is 75%. When pelleting or briquetting of 100 kg of wet pulp turns 7-8 kg of dry bagasse.
To store dried beet pulp it profitable to reduce the extent and cause of transportable kind, which applies briquetting or pelletizing. Thus, we solve the problem of transporting beet pulp, as the pulp is very problematic to transport fresh. Granulation bagasse reduces the cost of its transportation 5 times.
In combination with other feeds, dry pulp can substitute in the diets of cattle and 50% barley or oats, providing greater growth of their weight or milk production. Beet pulp is a dry well digests not only cattle, but also other kinds of farm animals. The pure dry form is not recommended to feed animals due to moisture absorption and porosity, which may lead to some problems of health of livestock. To avoid such pellets is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and used as an additive to feed in a range of 10%.
Pelleting of beet pulp consumer region is significantly increased as it can be transported around the world in view of the possibility of long storage and use of storage containers suitable for transportation.
Dried beet pulp – is stored in bulk (1 m3 weighs 220 kg).
Granulated sugar beet pulp – is stored in big bags or sacks. (1 m3 weighs 600 kg).
Composition (% of ratio):
Protein – 8,31, Fat – 0,66 Fiber – 23,05, Nitrogen-free extractives – 65,59, Water – 7,81
The content of vitamins and minerals (mg/kg): vitamin B1 (aneurine) – 0,55, Vitamin B2 (lactoflavin) – 0,20, Pantothenic Acid – 0,21 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0,18, vitamin B8 (niacin) – 0,26, biotin – 0,001, calcium – 4,7g, phosphorus – 1,2 g