Soil treatment under the beets consists of autumn (basic) and spring (preplant).
The main tillage can be of two types: traditional and soil protection.
Traditional technology includes: Shallow plowing (8-10 cm) and carrying moldboard plowing to a depth of 30-35 cm. Stubble cultivation should be conducted no later than 3-5 days after harvesting. Can be processed by polypore type: 1-2 cultivation.
Ploughing should be done after making reversible plows phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. The optimal duration of carrying – the month of September. Align fields (open furrows and back grooves) must be carried out in the autumn.
Spring plowing under sugar beet is not allowed.
Soil-protective technology provides subsurface loosening the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm, leaving a mulch on the surface of the field. This treatment is recommended for soils prone to wind and water erosion.
Spring soil moisture treatment involves the closure during physical ripening of the soil. The working depth – 4 cm. Spring treatment is to ensure the creation of a loose lumpy structure with the content in a loose layer of lumps up to 10 mm at least 85% saltwater – no more than 20 mm, the soil density – 1.0-1.3 g / cm3. Available in size lump of more than 30 mm is not allowed.
Seedbed preparation should be carried out to a depth of 2-4 cm. Do not use soil-cultivating units with active working bodies (rotary harrows, cultivators).
Planting beets
For sowing use only sugar-coated seeds fractions of 3,75-4,75 mm. In the composition of the pellet to be included disinfectants insecticidal and fungicidal activity. Fungicides based on: thiram (arasan, etc.) – 4 g / p.e, diniconazole M (Sumi-8) – 0.04 g / p.e, hymexazol (Tachigaren) – 4.2 g / p.e.; Insecticides: Gaucho, the COP (and its analogues) – 90 g / p.e, Magna Force – 0,075 l / p.e, Montour Forte – 0,1 l / p.e, Poncho Beta 0,075-0,150 l /p.e.